Friday, December 4, 2009

Meanderings of human mind

Since my days are not as hectic at work as it used to be, I have picked up habits of successful people that is going for long walks, brooding internally for the last four or five months and these days I am into meditation.

When you go for chanting, mentally you are chanting but when the outer cacophony of noises subside you can actually hear the inner turmoil which is if not less then equal to the outer cacophony. It's like being stuck on a jammed road where everyone is honking or you are there at sea shore and there are waves and waves coming.

You can then feel that your mind tries a lot to dictate you, it has a reservoir of memories which it can pull at an instant and then it will tell you how to react. Basically, we all have an interfering mind and it interferes a lot with our happiness by dictating how to react when. I always wonder that when the human beings intrinsic nature is to be happy why attaining happiness became dependent on stimulus which is always short lived. A stimulus can be a bigger house, a bigger car, a bigger bank balance, prettier you (plastic surgery), better behaved children, outstanding results of kids and so on and so forth. If you pause to ponder you will realise that all these achievements as we label them are so short lived and once you are through with them you are in hunt of another stimulus to keep yourself happy and the process goes on. In this hunt of happiness, we mostly accumulate unhappiness because when you are in the process of collecting possessions you might succeed you might not!

But I began with how mind reacts during meditation. I sat with my eyes clammed shut and my mind will speak--Last night the curry the maid cooked was not right, she hasn't learned a bit to be moderate with salt. And, YOU have warned her so many times. Hush! I say, Here I am into meditation and you are thinking of salt in the curry. The mind will persist, But, You know so much salt is not good for your husband, he has high blood pressure. I say, I know but I'll think about when I am through with meditation. Now can we please go back to the meditation. And then I start focussing on my heart beat. There will be complete silence of 5 -10 seconds before mind pops up a question. Since it's hard to rein in the mind, I give in.....

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